We’re proud to say that the next BPO in our BPO Crowd Boost series is not only a stellar start-up organization, but one that expands ScaleHub’s reach into another promising region for data processing services—Africa.
Apart from a dynamic region, this BPO’s work is based in elevating a crucial cause.
ScaleHub’s BPO Crowd Boost series highlights the BPOs strategically chosen and closely vetted to meet the needs of ScaleHub’s enterprise clients through an expanded crowdsourcing solution. These aptly named BPO Crowds help organizations process high-volume data with unique needs or complex cases.
Introducing: UPSource
Based in Kigali, Rwanda, UPsource “offers socially impactful digital services,” by connecting young African professionals to digital work opportunities. Their talented team of trained staff offer services such as transcription, search engine advertising, data management, data entry, data labeling, captioning, and more.
Rwanda is an inspiring story of transformation. As one of the fastest growing and business friendly countries in Africa, Rwanda is becoming a center for technological innovation and adoption, and has a seen promising development in the data service sector.
And in addition to the wide variety of services offered through this partnership, ScaleHub can now integrate additional language skills into our BPO Crowd offering, such as Swahili, Kinyarwandan, Lunganda, and Kirundi, to name a few.
UPsource founder Leif Van Grinsven comes from a professional background in developing businesses in regions like Rwanda. Leif’s experience is rooted in his engagements with DP World (Dubai Ports) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
UPsource & ScaleHub
Speaking on their new partnership, Leif commented, “ScaleHub’s BPO Crowd program opens more markets for us, which wouldn’t otherwise be in our immediate reach. The ScaleHub crowdsourcing portal is a vehicle for BPOs to work together in specific project situations and this is very unique—no other service offers this kind of marketplace.”
He continued, “We understand that the marketplace is under constant development, and that is why partnerships like this are critical. We are happy to support ScaleHub in a way that opens doors to customers, various African governments, and to the market in the Middle East.
“The personnel fit is great as we are all working on changing the world. ScaleHub is willing to support our Social Impact Sourcing strategies which provide dignified work, training, and valuable income to young Rwandan professionals. From a technology standpoint, I have never seen such a complete offering and such strong focus and knowledge about the global BPO market—no other software vendor is treating their BPOs like partners.”
Torsten Malchow, ScaleHub CRO, is looking forward to UPsource’s promising future. “UPsource contacted us a few weeks ago and we started our discussion immediately on how we can create a win-win situation for both businesses. I am looking forward to working together with Leif and his expanding team on opportunities in the region and the Middle East. Especially situations where we can utilize UPsources’s talented professionals in projects utilizing BPO crowd capabilities.”
Torsten concluded, “Data entry services and labeling activities will be our sweet spot together, and we are already working on our first sales opportunity.”
Expansion & elevation
As our capabilities expand through the fast growth of our international BPO crowd community, and as we enter new untapped regions of data processing technology, ScaleHub’s potential grows with it.
We’re thrilled to have UPsource as a dynamic member of our BPO crowd community offering, and we look forward to opportunities ahead.
Interested in becoming part of our BPO Crowd Community? Contact us today.