scale medical records indexing

any volume in as little as one hour at > 99% accuracy with ScaleHub’s collective intelligence solution

Despite the industry-wide shift to electronic medical records, paper persists in specialty clinics, labs, ambulatory surgery centers, and outpatient facilities. Any and all types of documents get scanned or faxed, but what comes next–uniting the patient health data they contain with the related electronic health records (EHRs)–is complicated, time consuming, and ripe for errors and duplications.

Using artificial and human intelligence (AI + HI), ScaleHub’s collective intelligence solution for medical records indexing seamlessly digitizes and incorporates patient data from paper medical records with existing electronic health records. Any volume of scanned and faxed documents are ingested, separated and classified, before key patient data is extracted and indexed–all in as little as one hour and with >99% accuracy guaranteed. Physicians get more time to focus on providing the best possible patient care, and management gets to concentrate on growing the business.


Our deep-learning model is trained on anonymized medical documents, so ScaleHub customers have high classification accuracy from the very beginning. The best part? The self-learning solution only gets faster and more accurate over time.


With built-in performance tracking, the ScaleHub solution monitors HIPAA-compliant specialist crowd contributors’ speed and accuracy down to the individual keystroke, providing workload optimization and coaching opportunities to guarantee data accuracy and turnaround times. 

your benefits


better patient care and outcomes

When medical records are safely and accurately indexed in under four hours, healthcare providers get the widest possible view into their patients’ health, and can make the most informed decisions. 


sensitive patient data – de-risked

Whether through HIPAA-compliant contributors from specialist crowds or using decontextualizing techniques, we ensure that sensitive data is processed safely – with every keystroke tracked.


accelerated revenue cycles

The faster EHRs are accurately completed, the faster they can be submitted for coding and payment.


guaranteed >99% accuracy of indexed data

Combining AI and HI means faster, more accurately indexed medical records, ultimately minimizing the organizational risk posed by scattered patient data and open EHR loops.


limitless scale with no hit to speed or accuracy

Seasonal or even unexpected volume spikes? ScaleHub simultaneously distributes indexing tasks to a limitless number of HIPAA-compliant specialists and contributors. 

how can health information management close the paper-to-digital health records gap?

A simple yet novel solution for the technology-weary healthcare sector.

how it works

Our collective intelligence solution seamlessly digitizes and incorporates patient data from paper-based and digital medical records with existing electronic health records.

Any document that could be included in a medical record–from doctors’ notes to lab results, x-rays, MRI results, inpatient records, medical forms and prescriptions–are ingested.

All images and documents are automatically identified and separated by patient number, then classified based on content and layout using self-learning AI.

If a document cannot be automatically classified or requires validation it’s sent to a private or specialist and HIPAA-compliant BPO crowd.

Relevant data from the images and documents are automatically extracted and validated against master patient data such as date of birth, MRN# or first and last name. Exceptions that can’t be detected or extracted using OCR are manually keyed in by specialist contributors. The >99% accurately indexed data is now ready for an organization’s downstream systems.

ScaleHub for medical records indexing

Watch how this paper-to-electronic bottleneck plays out in real life–and how ScaleHub applies collective intelligence to close the gap.


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frequently asked questions

Medical records indexing is the process of organizing and categorizing medical records so that they can be easily searched, retrieved and analyzed. Medical records contain a wide range of information about a patient’s health history, such as their medical diagnoses, treatments, medications, etc.

Indexing involves assigning keywords or codes to specific data points within the medical record to make it easier to search and retrieve information. Medical records indexing is important for improving the quality of patient care, as it allows healthcare providers to quickly and accurately access important patient information.

Paper-based medical records are physical documents that contain a patient’s health information. These records are typically stored in folders or files within a healthcare facility, and can be accessed by healthcare providers as needed.

Electronic medical records (EMRs), on the other hand, are digital versions of medical records that are stored and accessed through computer systems.

  • There are several key differences between paper-based and electronic medical records:
    Accessibility: Paper records can only be accessed by one person at a time, whereas electronic records can be accessed by multiple healthcare providers simultaneously.
  • Storage: Paper records require physical storage space. Electronic records, however, can be stored on a server or in the cloud, taking up minimal physical space.
  • Retrieval: Finding specific information in a paper record can be time-consuming, as healthcare providers may need to search through multiple pages or files. With electronic records, however, healthcare providers can quickly search for specific information using keywords or codes.
  • Security: Paper records can be lost, damaged, or stolen, which can compromise patient confidentiality. Electronic records can be encrypted and protected with passwords or other security measures to ensure patient privacy.
  • Accessibility outside of the healthcare facility: Electronic medical records can be accessed remotely, allowing patients to easily share their health information with other healthcare providers, such as specialists or primary care physicians.

Digitizing medical records involves converting physical paper-based medical records into electronic format.

Here are the general steps for digitizing medical records:

  1. Choose a system: Choose an electronic medical record (EMR) system or electronic health record (EHR) system that is suitable for the healthcare facility’s needs and requirements.
  2. Scanning: Scan the medical records using a high-quality scanner. Ensure that the scans are of high quality and that the resulting digital images are clear and legible.
  3. Indexing: Assign keywords or codes to the digital files to make them easily searchable and retrievable. This is usually done using a specific medical classification system, such as the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) or Current Procedural Terminology (CPT).
  4. Upload to the EMR system: Upload the digitized medical records into the chosen EMR or EHR system, making sure to follow the appropriate procedures for data input and storage.

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