Meet ScaleHub at Guidewire Connections in Nashville, TN, USA

12nov(nov 12)6:00 pm15(nov 15)12:00 pmMeet ScaleHub at Guidewire Connections in Nashville, TN, USALearn how our solutions enable one-hundred percent document and image processing automation.

Event Details

Though document processing solutions have been around for decades, insurers continue to struggle with accessing data quickly, and with high accuracy rates. Often incoming documents arrive through a variety of channels and in different formats, and that challenge is compounded when document volumes fluctuate. Slow, understaffed processing then creates bottlenecks that can impact underwriting, claims management, regulatory compliance and more.

ScaleHub offers a modern solution, which combines artificial and human intelligence for one-hundred percent document and image processing automation in as little as an hour—at almost infinite scale.

Our benefits stretch across the entire insurance organization, no matter the document type, languages or requirements—and are made available from a single service contract.

Meet us at Guidewire Connections conference to find out more.

This year’s Guidewire Connections will focus on the power of community. Connections brings together P&C’s largest community of esteemed insurers, industry leaders, and valued partners for three powerful days of education, networking, and fun. And this year, the power of community will be on full display with exciting keynotes and information sessions hosted by a variety of P&C experts and product innovators.

To register for the conference and learn more, please visit Guidewire Connections’ event page.


12. November 2023 6:00 pm - 15. November 2023 12:00 pm

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Nashville, TN

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